The magnetic field and the magnetic circuit of wireless charging coil
Magnetic induction and magnetic resonance of the two skills of architecture has many similarities. For example, all two magnetic field is used as a bridge to transmit power. In these two abilities, current is introduced into a resonant circuit, which generates a magnetic field to transmit power. Admission coil andtransmitting coil in electromagnetic field and the degree of alignment in the twointerval determined power transmission; receiving coil and transmitting coil separation is more far, power transmission power is low. There are some otherfactors have a significant impact on the energy transfer of power, including the resonance frequency, transmission and the receive coil size ratio, coupling factor, the coil impedance, skin effect, AC and DC components as well as the coil parasitic parameters. Along with the increase of ratio between X, y and Zseparation and sending and receiving coil angle, loss and power will have a great impact. According to the requirements, including cost and sizeconsiderations, one or more solutions can be used for coil magnetic inductionand magnetic resonance of the two kinds of skills.
Wireless charging coil magnetic field
MAGNETIC INDUCTANCE: the excitation inductance
Magnetic field mostly contained in between ferrite shielding: magnetic fieldwere mostly limited between the ferrite shielding body
Surface: surface
Coil: coil
Shielding: shielding layer
Distance: interval
MAGNETIC RESONANCE: magnetic resonance
Receiving Coil (s): the receiving coil
Transmitting Coil: a transmitting coil
Magnetic field radiates outward - not shielded: magnetic field outward radiation-- no shielding
Receiver: the receiver
Magnetic Field: magnetic field
Transmitter: transmitter
Power management for wireless charging coil
Development of high performance power management architecturesuccessfully has great influence on magnetic resonance and magneticinduction solution. In the transmitter, in order to put the current introducingresonant circuit for DC to AC conversion. In the magnetic induction skills, to achieve this transformation using half bridge or full bridge converter, and inmagnetic resonance skills, current is introduced through a power amplifier.
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